Restaran «Vesyolka»
At reastarana znachodizitsa 2 halls for 80 and 20 monthsў
city of Garadok, Vul. Zladzijskaga, 6, Tel. + 375 (2139) 41287
Cafe “Expiration”
At the cafeteria there are 2 halls for 52 and 20 monthsў
city of Garadok, Vul. Praletarskaya, 13, Tel. + 375 (2139) 43157
Cafe “Garajana”
At the cafeteria there are 3 halls for 10, 20 and 60 monthsў
city of Garadok, ul.Bahramyan, 22a, Tel. + 375 (2139) 42652
Cafe / bar “Puck”
At the cafe / bars of the hall 1 of the hall for 50 monthsў
city of Garadok, Vul. Praletarskaya, 4, Tel. +375 (2139) 50769
Cafe “Tryyumf”
At the cafeteria there are “garages”, “Mayzza hall for 50 months”, banquet hall for 12 months ”
city of Garadok, Vul. Gagarina d. 3, Tel. +375 (2139) 51901
Café Viasna
At the cafeteria there are 1 hall for 50 monthsў
g. Ezyaryshcha, Vul. Leninskaya, 44, Tel. + 375 (2139) 33392
Turytska-Azdaralenchi Complex “Losvida”
The steel tour-esdaralenchicha to the complex “Losvida” is divided into a special pabudov, a zhylogo housing and a vyadze karotki perahod. Hall zharchavannya padzyalayetstsa for 2 parts and are divided into 136 chalavec.
TEL. +375 (2139) 5 8736 (reception)
+375 (29) 3058736 (vel) (reception)
+375 (33) 3058736 (мтс) (reception)
+375 2139 5 87 30 (accountancy)
+375 (29) 1869520 Velcom (derektor Ehdakim Sjergey Alyaksandrivich)
+375 (29) 8104536 (адміністратар) Raman Praskovic
+375 (29) 6926845 (адміністратар) Вольга Бараноўская
+375 (29) 283 12 60 (адміністратар) Іryna Snyazhkova
Adras: 211549, Respublika Belarus, Viciebskie Voblast, Garadotky rayan, p / a Prudniki
We are on the school:
Cafe “Yalinka”
At the cafeteria there are 1 hall for 16 monthsў
Garadotsky rayan, in. The meat, the tel. + 375 (2139) 43829